Deep dive into geothermal well drilling in Germany
Der Geothermie Kongress
In October 2024 Geomachine participated in Der Geothermie Kongress event in Potsdam, Germany. During the three-day event, congress attendees were presented with a comprehensive lecture series on various topics related to geothermal technology, one of them being Geomachine’s GM2000 drilling solution.
“We joined the event at the suggestion of our new German distributor, BODO,” says Ari Kuhalampi, Geomachine’s Product Line Director. “It turned out to be a good decision, as deep geothermal drilling is currently a hot topic worldwide. In Europe, DTH drilling technology is still relatively unknown, so Geomachine’s presentation on the subject was met with great interest at the event.”
The congress attracted approximately 600 visitors over three days, with 110 presentations given. “Geomachine’s presentation focused on showcasing the unique benefits of the GM2000 solution. In our presentation we put emphasis on the fact that drilling requires only a small land area nowadays and opened up the GM2000’s sectored drilling process. In addition we presented our GMTrackerCloud service, which makes the drilling process intelligent and this way also enhances it’s efficiency.”
In many parts of central and southern Europe, the soil is soft. This means that deep well drilling in these regions requires combining multiple drilling technologies. “When drilling through soft soil layers, appropriate methods must be used, such as reinforcing the well walls. Once through the soft soil, Geomachine’s solution allows drilling to continue as the ground turns to rock at greater depths. Different technologies are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary.”
Geomachine’s presentation piqued the interest of professionals in the well-drilling sector from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. “There was particular interest in how drilling has progressed with the GM2000 solution at the waste-to-energy plant in Salo, Finland. Additionally, questions were raised about daily drilling progress and drilling costs. Now that we have concrete evidence of how efficiently and replicably deep wells can be drilled today, it’s easy to explain it clearly to all those interested in the topic.”
News of Geomachine’s GM2000 solution had already reached many congress attendees before the event. “We have been actively producing content related to deep well drilling for our website and social media channels lately. These efforts have clearly been noticed and received with interest. This encourages us to continue sharing information on the topic. It strongly seems that our solution is attracting significant interest and meets a real need.”